Safely Home

That night was filled with

standers-by, thus

A surge in city cars. Even then

I walked, well, tread, from those certain

City blocks.


I walked, well, tread, to my group

Of city blocks, despite the many

City cars,


Not to clear my head but mind.

 I always am wont to notice

The change

-of- view:


The transition of blocks paved with concrete

To those laid with cobble stone.


The segue of scenes-


Of buildings glass and upward built,

to brownstone homes to parks

with grass.


And old blocks with aesthetic

old-school fringe, from the ones

with glass and tint.


And If there is a fussy

Line, what is your store about?


That’s not to say by 8 I’d make

It home, rather that by 8

I’ll make it home.


At last in my group of blocks!


Ill make it safely home from where

I tread. Up from where I headed,

Finally here, finally home. 

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